Flirting Through Comfortable and Friendly Body Healthy posture

When people talk about flirting, they often concentrate on the verbal element ~ ‘chatting up’ and knowing what saying, etc . Although a person’s initial impression of you is based 57% on your overall look and body-language, 38% to the style of your speaking and only 7% on everything you actually state.

Flirting through assured and friendly body pose is a major aspect of good flirting. Even though it’s important to come with an appealing face, the main key is to convey that you want a person without appearing harmful or severe. This can be done through ‘facial signals’ such as fixing their gaze (aim to hold your target’s eyes for at least a single second) to exhibit that you’re interested, smiling to demonstrate approval or disapproval, frowning to point puzzlement or disapproval and ‘body language’ just like placing hand in pocket, hand out to enhance the breasts or leaning on lap height.

When a person likes you, they will unconsciously’mirror’ or ‘echo’ the postures to demonstrate harmony and cast with you. When this ‘postural congruence’ is definitely combined with a good response to your responses or actions, it is very likely that a person is going to view you as a potential partner for a flirtation. This ‘echoing’ effect can be enhanced by body-touch, specifically ‘hand-clasping movements’ and palm-rubbing. But it is very important to avoid ‘anxious gestures’, which are more likely to be interpreted as signs of nervousness or perhaps insecurity, including fidgeting or perhaps nervous hand-rubbing.